I’d seldom use the word “fun” to describe the music of the ultra-serious Brahms, but it was just that to see and hear this superstar duo (Zukerman and Forsyth) go at it in their virtuoso solo passages.

Right from the start of SOTA’s rendition, cellist Forsyth asserted her stringent, incisive tone into the equation with a cadenza that caught the ear and kept the listener rapt until the woodwinds entered with their brief, soothing sonorities. Zukerman’s cadenza, in turn, was exquisitely sweet-toned, and when the two soloists played together in double stops, the effect approached the amplitude of a string quartet. No less exhilarating was the ability of these two to sound like a single instrument in passagework that traversed the gamut and made it hard to tell where one instrument left off and the other took over...”
— Robert Kroan, Palm Beach Arts Paper